KOISHIKAWA MIKI BD: Junior in high-school as the show opens. She does not know what she wants to do after graduating high school. Has a MAJOR temper, but has the patience of Job with people that the rest of us wouldn't waste our time with. In love with Ginta since middle school, but he rejected her (pretty much by accident) because of his fear of telling her how he felt. In the beginning of the show, she is torn by her old feelings for Ginta, and her new ones for Yuu. Eventually she sorts things out and is FIRMLY in love with Yuu. KD: I prefer to describe
Miki as sensitive and easily hurt. But I agree that in episodes
#43, she was in direct line for sainthood. Very impressive.
Ginta: "You had a cheerful smile, were full of energy, and were cute..." (MB episode #5)
BD: In tennis club since middle school but now is not in any clubs. His major academic interest is architecture. Covers his pains with a smile, and rarely tells what he feels. Many women are infatuated with him, and a few actually in love with him, but he has eyes only for Miki. KD: Yuu tends to be nearly
unemotional in the early episodes compared Even though he shows a cool, unfeeling exterior, Yuu finds many ways (especially in the earlier episodes) to show that he cares about Miki. When she's upset, he tries to be there for her in some way (like take her shopping before a tennis match, or jumping balconies to stop her from crying).
BD: In the tennis club. In love with Miki since middle school. He also has quite a temper. Intends to be a teacher after college.Conspires with Arimi to break up Miki and Yuu. Eventually becomes reconciled to their relationship, and falls in love with Arimi. KD: Ginta is big hearted, sensitive, and yes, has a temper. But as Miki says, it's easy to calm him down. Miki and Ginta have a lot in common and probably would have made a good couple...but it was never meant to be. Maybe in the long run, the calm, collected Yuu is a better balance for highly emotional Miki. Ginta's relationship with Miki, as her closest male friend, is a delight to watch since they are fond of teasing each other. And they still support each other in that relationship even after Miki chooses Yuu.
BD: Miki's best friend.
Way past super-rich. Parents hate each other but are not divorcing
due to social and financial considerations. KD: Meiko is touted as
the beauty and brains of the two girls. Meiko seems to always
have the advice that Miki needs at any given time. But when the
chips are WAY DOWN for Meiko in Vol. 12 (MB #45-48), Miki shows
that she is every bit as important to Meiko's stability as the
other way around. These two need each other as much as they need
the guys they love.
Later: (6/1/95) Arimi appears to be becoming sensitive and caring of others' feelings now that she's a permanent fixture in Ginta's heart. Nice to see her blossom as her life matures. Another example of the Japanese tendency to develop characters in full color rather than in black and white. Arimi is now quite likable! 6/30/98 The single most favorite character of male fans of the show.
ROKUTANDA TSUTOMU (as of episode6) BD: Loudmouthed blow hard who constantly dwells on the past. In love with Arimi since elementary school, but she thinks of him only as a friend. Eventually gives up on Arimi and has become interested in Yayoi-chan. He's Ginta's cousin. KD: Rokutanda is pretty much
as Bruce colors him. Personality-wise he's possessive, loud,
and tactless. This character is often used for comedy relief.
BD: His first speaking role is in episode #3. A senior, and the student body president. For a while thought to be gay and interested in Yuu. As it turns out, he has fallen for Meiko and attempts to divert her attention away from Namura. In later episodes he is shown to be a very sensitive guy who cares a lot for his friends. KD: Miwa is a favorite to watch among a great many MB enthusiasts that I've talked to. And I must admit that he has so far been one of the most entertaining to me, too. He is a genius at persuading people to do most anything he wants them to do. He's brilliant, handsome, filthy rich, and suave. But more than anything, he's funny. Well, he's funny until he's absolutely pushed to his limit, but his limit is only reached when someone he cares about is hurt beyond belief. Example: He was livid with his father in episode 25 because his father's insensitivity hurt Yuu. And, in episode #47, he went ballistic over Na-chan's attitude towards Meiko and Momoi-sensei.
KOISHIKAWA JIN BD: Father of Miki. Divorces Rumi and marries Chiyako. KD: I've noted that of the four parents, Jin seems to take a leadership role even over Youji. I wonder if anyone else has noticed the same?
BD: Miki's mother. Divorces Jin and marries Youji. KD: It's a running joke in the series how bad a cook Rumi is. MATSUURA YOUJI BD: Yuu's adopted father. Divorces Chiyako and marries Rumi. KD: I'm not entirely sure that Yuu IS adopted yet. I know that Yuu had experiences that lead us to believe that but I can't help but wonder if the writers are going to turn the thing into another misconception. Youji seems to be far more mellow than the other parents. MATSUURA (Koishikawa) CHIYAKO BD: Yuu's mother. Divorces
Youji and marries Jin. Works in new product development at a
cosmetic company. NAMURA SHINICHI age 25 at the beginning of the series. BD: The most popular teacher at Miki's school. In love with and loved by Meiko. After this is discovered, he resigned and moved to Hiroshima to work in real estate. Met Meiko 2 years ago when she was 15 and still in middle school. Capable of great self-sacrifice for others, he tends to overdo things when he feels he's doing something for someone else. KD: Some viewers that I've talked to have had a personal bone to pick with this character. Not because he's mean or bad, but because what he considers an act of personal sacrifice in MB #17 could be construed as cowardly by some MB fans, and inconsiderate by others. 6/30/98 Ah! This was a very controversial character! The above statement was in reference to Na-chan leaving. But there were a goodly amount of fans who felt he was just perfect for Meiko, another cross-section that thought he had no business getting involved with her..considering Meikos age and their age difference in general. My own issue was that of abandonment. This character seems to pull out peoples personal issues and make them look at what they believe in!
MOMOI RYOUKO BD: Coach of the women's tennis team. In love with Namura, though she has never told him (as far as we know). She was a classmate of his through college. Very patient with the students. Becomes Miki's home room teacher after Namura resigns. She is a good and popular teacher. KD: It looks pretty clear
that she does tell him her feelings in MB #41, the second part
of the Christmas episode. She was part of a inseparable three-some
that included herself, Namura, and Kijima (during their high
school years). She was dating Kijima when she fell in love with
Namura. Kijima noticed her change of heart, so when he moved
to America, he wrote her and encouraged her to do something about
how she felt towards Namura.
KIJIMA (episode #5) BD: Owner of the Junk Jungle, where Yuu works part time. Senpai to both Namura and Momoi. (No, "senpai" is not misspelled.) Has a VERY interesting sense of humor. Always seen wearing dark glasses and a brown leather jacket. Overall a very nice person. KD: Kijima has been described by other enthusiasts as "cool". Well, he does seem to act that way. One presumes his stay in NY had something to do with his behavior and the way he drawls his words. He's married to a girl (Rei) who put her Toryo medallion in his bag just before he left for the states. They met years later when she was working as a tour guide in NY. They fell in love and married. Ah! The "power" of the Toryo medallion!