The MB Guide Looking Back in 1998 (KD)

The Marmalade Boy Guide was being written at the same time the show was being fansubbed into it’s very first version…the TV Version. It was likely written over a period of a year or two. I made reports through the Guide just as soon as it was known what was going on in MB myself. For some time, it was updated with new information monthly. As a result, many versions of the Guide were done. When the April 1996 version of the Guide was completed, it was decided it would be the final one.

In the early days of the Guide, we had two different word processing programs, Microsoft Works and Claris Works. Bruce opted to see to it that the Guide was in the Claris Works format in order to have pictures of better resolution on the pictures that were included. Word didn’t exist when we started work on the Guide.

The fairly recent Acrobat format of our work on the MB Guide (formatted by Justin Sevakis) has those original pictures. Since the original Guide version (with the original pictures) was lost on the server for exCEL Animation Art, this one has new and mostly different pictures.

Since Claris Works has fallen by the wayside and MS Works has for the most part too, this new Word version is being done for everyone’s benefit. Corrections have been made and we’re re-adding pictures as best we can.


What was going on when the Guide was being written:

For me, I was working on subbing from early morning until late in the night. And often because I couldn’t sleep I would continue on into the wee hours of the morning when all was blackoutdoors. I tended to even eat at my workstation.

So when was most of the Guide written? Well, when Bruce needed the subbing equipment to work with Mika, I went to his office, got on his computer, and madly typed out my thoughts about the most recent MB findings.

Generally at the time, I was fuzzy minded but could remember a great many details. Mostof synopsis you’ll see were strictly written from a pretty sharp memory in spite of being blurry-minded. Hee…I just couldn’t SEE what I wrote, that’s all. (^_-) And always, always…it was a rush to complete the newest addition to the Guide before Bruce got through translating with Mika for HIS efforts. I needed to get back to the workstation as soon as possible!

I always felt self-pressured to have something new, both on the tapes each month and the MB Guide too. This led to many neuro errors in the previous versions of the MB Guide that there was never the energy or the time to correct. And even now, there really isn’t time to read through hundreds of pages. I’ve gone over the document with a spell checker and that has taken care of a great many of the problems. But it’s certainly doubted that it will have covered them all. I always knew that people probably knew how much work I was doing every month and would understand that I was pushing myself about as far as I could be pushed.

I’m still pushing myself because at heart I’m a workaholic. Nasty trait but sure gets things done! (^_^)

You may note that the guide at various times was much larger than it’s current 217 pages (the download version). Nothing has been taken out, only reconfigured to make it somewhat smaller.


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