Page 1 (episodes 1 to 10)



Koishikawa Miki (or in our language Miki Koishikawa) is called downstairs by her parents for a snack. She really should have been suspicious when they pulled out the good china. Mama (Rumi) and Papa (Jin) gleefully inform her of their happy news...they're getting a divorce!

Miki, if you think you're in shock, wait till you hear the rest...

Yes, when I say they're gleeful, they really are... Because...

Mama and Papa met another couple when they were on vacation in Hawaii. Mama fell in love with the husband (Youji) and Papa fell in love with his wife (Chiyako). And isn't this cool...having an affair is so distasteful so... they're going to switch partners and remarry. (Cough!)

Miki, I know you want it back the way it was but Mama and Papa are sure this is what they want. They still love each other but...well.. more like good friends than lovers.

Oh, but Miki, in your heart you know this is the end of the, don't let anyone know except your best friend, Meiko. Even your buddy, Ginta, don't tell him...

Geeez, such an embarrassing situation!

Miki, skips tennis club after school to meet with both couples for dinner. Well, the "other" couple doesn't "look" strange. Whoops, they are, after all. They REALLY intend to go through with this...this...arrangement.

Mama asks Chiyako, "Where's Yuu-kun?"

Yuu-kun? Miki hasn't a clue who this is. She's informed that he's the other couple's son, the same age she is and that he'll be coming directly from school. Oh, here is he now...

Hold onto your seat Miki...Drop Dead Gorgeous...just walked in!

Miki's hair turns blue on the spot. It actually takes a minute or two for her to collect herself. But Miki realizes she has WORK to do. She's got to make the insanity stop!

Miki promptly tells them that she is absolutely opposed to their plan to switch partners and remarry. It's true that her mother can't cook, her parents don't care about her grades, shop too much, and go on too many vacations...BUT they're the only parents she has and she can't bear to live without either one of them! should have known....


They're going to buy a house and all move in together!

If You and Yuu-kun register under your father's names, you can keep your
names the same. Isn't it a good happy family. Aren't you happy
for us? Don't you care about our feelings?

Wrong! Miki continues her futile attempts at changing their minds. Your feelings? What about Yuu-kun’s and my feelings?!

What? Yuu-kun just said he didn't care and long as the people involved were happy. This guy's strange! And he says my soup's getting cold?

Two moving vans pull up to a two story house, Miki's now living with a guy her own age. (No such thing as step-sisters/brothers in Japan) The two of them don't particularly get off to a good start either. See the first episode to see what I mean. And to make matter worse, he has
secretly transferred to her school and is in her class. Just what you needed, was for the family (Yuu) you've been trying to escape from, to be right under foot at school.

Their first day at school relationship borders on coldly polite to terribly rude. Yuu, skips class but returns for PE. Miki watches Yuu during PE with fascination over his athletic ability; she gets slammed in the head by a basketball. In the nurses office, Miki lies in bed with
hair undone and the wind blowing through it. When she hears Yuu walk in, Miki decides she doesn't want to deal with his insults so she pretends to be asleep. He kisses her very soundly on the lips.

As soon as he's left the room, Miki, who somehow managed not to move during this surprise event, bolts upright, blushing and wonders "what he's up to now"!



It was her FIRST KISS! (The "first" kiss is VERY important in Japan.)

Well, she avoided him by skipping dinner the night before...but it's time for school now. She walks into the kitchen and finds Yuu is reading a newspaper as though nothing happened.

Well, she uncomfortably asks him to pass the jam that she sees over by him. Yuu informs her that it's actually marmalade and that there isn't any jam. A disappointed Miki says she doesn't LIKE marmalade because the rinds are bitter. Oh yes, here comes the reason for the title of the series...
Miki comes to an important decision... that... "This marmalade is like you.
It looks good on the outside, but on inside it's full of tricks!"

Miki, Miki, Miki...if you think you're going to get the better of Mr. Pretty Face, you're out of luck!

Yuu grabs the mustard and informs her that she's like and spicy! This pisses her off no end!

And they're off for another day at school!

Well, the school day is not uneventful. Let's see, Miki has to ward off Furutachi-kun during the Lunchtime News interview with Yuu. After all, the guy was implying things she didn't care to have the ANYONE know. A good clobbering with a book should make him behave.

By the way, Miki if you thought Yuu-kun might say something about the
"important" first kiss he laid on you, you were wrong. Doesn't it just kill you that he doesn't seem to be affected by all? It isn't fair is it?!

Oh, then there some of Miki's classmates, who thinks that Ginta's irritation with Yuu-kun is caused by jealousy over Miki. But Miki knows this can't be true, after all, when they were in 9th grade, he dumped her. Sure they're close friends but, Ginta? Jealous? Oh, no way.

During chemistry class Miki remembers that event. This is interesting to watch this scene as Miki gazes at Ginta while he and another classmate are working on a project. Yuu is in the background watching Miki as she does this, looking back a forth between the two (Miki and Ginta).

The audience, in turn, gets to see into her memories of what occurred between the Miki and Ginta in 9th grade. Be sure to see this. It's important to future stories.

After tennis practice, Miki is walking from school with some friends. Yuu grabs her and hauls her off to help choose a present for her mother's birthday. At this point, she felt their relationship soften and changed somewhat.



These summaries do NOT do them justice but just some interesting moments to look for are written here.

Chiyako has free tickets to Wonder Dg,an amusement park, and offers them to Miki and Yuu. Yuu asks Miki if she's free on Sunday and would she like to go with him. Miki replies in the affirmative and realizes that this is a "date".

While on their date, Miki meets Arimi, Yuu ex-girlfriend, for the first time.

Yuu finally breaks down and tells Miki why he kissed her (his first kiss too)...
The devil made him do it.
Miki slaps him!

Later, a classmate is overheard by Ginta talking about how she'd seen Miki and Yuu on a date together. Ginta gets steamed. After school, Ginta and Miki are a team to do the classroom cleanup duty.

Ginta asks Miki what she's eating. She replies that it's a new candy called "Muscat Kiss" and would he like some. Ginta, who's been acting rather solemn, remembers the candy's commercial and it's claim to be what a kiss ( a real one ) tastes like. He asks her if they should try it ( kiss) and find out. Miki thinks her friend, Ginta, is teasing her by embarrassing her so she tries to outsmart him by saying "Yes". But then, of course, she tells him she's kidding and that this really ISN'T his usual style of humor.

Ginta isn't listening by now. He lifts her out of the desk chair and passionately kisses her. Miki jumps back from him, then steps up and slaps him one!

Miki runs home, anxious to put distance between herself and Ginta. After all kisses should be between people who are in love...and Ginta doesn't love her.



The next morning, Miki decides she's not going to school. There's no WAY she can face Ginta. Yuu, however, fouls up that plan by being pesty about going.

At school, Meiko and Yuu are somewhat surprised at the strange behavior of Miki and Ginta...Miki is desperate to avoid Ginta.

At home after school, Miki is in her room suffering over the latest dilemma, when Yuu barges in and informs her that they're going out for a while. She doesn't want to but he insists.

Yuu takes her on his bike to a lovely, quiet place with the sun setting in the background. Miki soon loses her sour mood through the excitement of learning to skip a stone on water.

On the way, back she asked him how he found such a wonderful place. At which, he replied that he discovered it after they moved into the area and that he often went there when he needed to cheer himself up. Miki then realized that Yuu was trying to cheer her up.

At home later, Yuu finds Miki's robot voice memo in his room with a message from Miki that thanks him. He returns it to her with the message "That place is our secret".

And the race is on....The next day, Ginta has the determined look of someone who's bound and determined that he's going to straighten things out. Miki is just as determined that she's DOESN'T want to see his FACE! She's so desperate to keep him away that after school she grabs onto Arimi and pretends Arimi was waited for her...she neatly drags Arimi away with

In the process of setting up this little ruse, Miki's voice memo drops out of her school bag. Ginta, grabs it up and accidentally hears the messages between Yuu and Miki.

Back to Miki and Arimi... Actually, Arimi, left Sagaki Academy (after school) and was waiting outside the Toryo gate for Yuu. She didn't appreciate Miki hauling her away, so she's insists on Miki buying her a Miki's expense.

Arimi decides Miki should hear about the relationship that she and Yuu had in the past. This story is also woven into some future episodes.

Later, as Miki nears home, she finds Ginta waiting for her. She insists that he get out of her way but he tells her he won't. Ginta and Miki have a very interesting conversation here....which includes what really happened back in 9th grade between them. Ginta finalizes this conversation by telling her that he won't let Matsuura have her!




Episode 5 continues the scene between Ginta and Miki in front of her house. Yuu interrupts them. Miki runs into the house and Yuu and Ginta continue the conversation calmly but with some well directed words.

Miki avoids Ginta in the morning (at school) but makes up with him later in the day (due to some of Meiko’s sage advice).

Meiko and Miki discover Yuu working at the Junk Jungle as they're walking home from school.

Miki, Meiko, Yuu, and Kijima discuss the school medallion. Kijima's past is revealed.

At school, Ginta needs a tennis partner for an upcoming invitational at Sagaki Academy. His doubles partner rolled his bike and broke his arm. The rest of the Junior varsity know they aren't good enough to keep up with Ginta...everything looks bad for the upcoming tournament until Miki remembers that Yuu was part of a tennis club in Junior High.

She ropes Yuu into playing a tennis against Namura-sensei (the club advisor)...Yuu hasn't a clue as to why he's having to play against the teacher. He neatly beats Namura. Namura talks Yuu into being teamed up with Ginta just for the upcoming match. Yuu isn't thrilled about being paired with Ginta. Ginta, he knows, can't stand him. But Ginta is more interested in winning regardless of who he’s teamed up with.

Before a loud Ginta can tell him off, Yuu sneaks away and crawls through a window in the library. After all, there's no reason why he should have to spend his free time with Ginta.

Unfortunately, Yuu has accidentally interrupted some lovers who apparently felt the privacy of the empty library was a place they could meet safely. Now Yuu can't leave without causing embarrassment. When he looks around the end of the bookshelves, he discovers much to his amazement that the two are Meiko and Namura-sensei...and they're kissing.


Meiko finds out the Yuu was in the library and discovered she and Namura-sensei. She asks him not to tell anyone. Yuu wants to know if Miki knows and she tells him that Miki doesn't know.

Lunchtime news features Yuu again.

At the tennis court before the game, Tsutomu show up and makes everyone miserable especially Miki, who run off telling Ginta that she hates him.

A challenge arises between Tsutomu and the Toryo boys, Ginta and Yuu, and whichever side loses has to cut his hair like a monk.

Ginta's game is bad, really bad because of what happened with earlier with Miki.

The game is saved when Miki returns and encourages Ginta.

After the game, Arimi grabs hold of Ginta and drags him off with her.




Miki and Yuu's class take a trip to Sapporo.

Arimi discovers Ginta, grabs him and hauls him off with her just like before (after the tournament.)

Tsutomu shows up and is after Arimi as usual.

In a fast food restaurant, Arimi explains to Ginta her plan to make Miki jealous - so that she can get Yuu and he can get Miki. They'll play the part of boyfriend/girlfriend. Ginta and Arimi start playing the part of a couple in the top of a tower...with Miki watching on angrily.




The family has a barbecue, Miki gets upset with the family and leaves home in a huff.

Miki runs into Arimi at a store. They talk awhile and then Arimi says that she has to go meet Ginta. Miki is shocked by this as Arimi has called him "Ginta" and not "Suou-kun". (In Japan using the first name of someone who is not a classmate or co-worker implies a fairly intimate relationship - thus Arimi using Ginta's name REALLY confused Miki). BD

Later, the parents pretend to all be angry with each other and make out that they've decided to return things to the way they were. And, in addition, the Matsuuras and the Koishikawas should never see each other again. Yuu will have to go to a new school.

Miki is confused and tries to sort things out with them, but they continue the charade until they can get her to admit that she doesn't really mind their situation anymore. Then they finally tell her it was only a joke.

Miki cries her eyes out in her room; Yuu jumps balconies to help calm her down, and help her make up with the family.




Miwa starts making a move on Meiko (while she's in the library).

Miki works that day at the Junk Jungle during a sale.

Ginta and Arimi show up (because they discovered that Yuu and Miki would be there together).

Tsutomu barges into the store when he see Ginta and Arimi there together. Another challenge is issue from him to the Toryo boys. This time it's a store sells competition. And the hair must go again on the loser! Tsutomu's is already short from the last bout.

After work, Miki and Yuu come home to find suitcases in the hallway. Their parents are going to Hawaii and leaving them home alone!




Home alone, Yuu tells Miki he's hungry and begs her to cook something for him. Miki's cooking is bad. For the next time, she studies cook books. Yuu takes her grocery shopping. She buys lots of junk.

Miki tries cooking again but spills everything. Yuu cooks and it's good. Miki tries to talk Yuu into cooking from now on...but he says her cooking is eatable and that she's cute when she cooks. Miki is left with no way to argue after that.

Miki is nervous about being alone with a guy in the house.

Miki and Yuu watch a horror video. A frightened Miki hold onto Yuu's shirt then realizes what she's doing and jerks her hand away. She impressed though about spending time with him...because he's so handsome.

Later she takes a hot bath. But she stays in too long and passes out onto the floor with nothing but a towel on. Yuu hears her fall, breaks the lock on the door and carries her to bed.

When she comes to, she's so confused that when she discovers that she's only in a towel, she slaps Yuu.




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Episode 1 

Episode 6

 Episode 11 
 Episode 16

 Episode 21 
  Episode 26   Episode 31   Episode 36 

Episode 2 

  Episode 6

 Episode 12 

 Episode 17 

 Episode 22 
  Episode 27   Episode 32    Episode 37 

 Episode 3 

 Episode 8

 Episode 13 

 Episode 18 

 Episode 23
 Episode 28    Episode 33    Episode 38 

 Episode 4 

 Episode 9

 Episode 14 

 Episode 19 
  Episode 24    Episode 29   Episode 34    Episode 39 

 Episode 5 

 Episode 10

 Episode 15 

 Episode 20 
 Episode 25   Episode 30    Episode 35 

 Episode 40 
 Episode 6              
 Episode 7              
 Episode 8              

 Episode 9

 Episode 10