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 The History of the Manga Videos

The Princess Army manga-video was the first one ever done. It was done using a computer that would not allow an import better, clearer fonts. I didn't like that aspect of the work. Still, the manga video enhanced the missing portions of the OAVs in spite of its lack of good font choices and was imperative to the full enjoyment of the anime itself.

It was followed by the Haruka's Case manga-video which was colorized frame by frame throughout.

The third video was a combination of three different manga-videos - one for Marmalade Boy, one for Fushigi Yuugi (before Pioneer), and one for Nurse Angel Ririka.

The Marmalade Boy Story was the manga version of the last story of the TV series. It filled in the gaps of why the parents split the first time AND gave us a chance to see Miki and Yuu finally have a trip ALONE together. This manga story was mastered using an Amiga and PC simultaneously.

The Fushigi story was the one missed being done for the TV series. This one required a PC and a PC hooked together to master.

In each of the three stories of the Manga Escapees tape, I tried very hard to give each it's own flavor...by the colors used, the fonts, by using each series' own mood producing music, even by which kind of special effects were used. While the Marmalade Boy story used overlays and 3D transitions, the Fushigi one had more sound effects to stimulate feelings.

The third story, the Ririka story, used path and cel animation types to enhance it. I drew tears filling in the eyes and spilling down for instance. This along with other symbols were used to give this one it's own flavor as well. This one, like the one before it, required a PC and a PC to master.

When Viz licensed the Fushigi Yuugi manga, Manga Escapees was dropped from distribution to the public. Eventually, Manga Escapees was released as a new version called Manga Escapees B. Shoujo Unleashed, which is NOT a manga video but a graphical history of shoujo anime in our country, was added to the B version so that there wouldn't be less on the new version as on the original.


Your Thoughts on The Subject


" Princess Army video was awesome! That must of been a project and a half! The music was also great."



"I just finished watching Princess Army. ::insert fangirl scream here:: Wow. The manga video was VERY impressive. You covered so much ground with just that short amount of time... I had decided to give Princess Army a chance because I knew Seki Toshihiko was in it, and he's one of my favorite seiyuus. Now, him in a show with Hayami Sho AND Matsumoto Yasunori, and I figured my excitable teenage hormones would go spasmatic on me. So why not check it out? Little did I know how much this one inexpensive tape was going to cost me. NOW I have to get all the manga! All it's all your fault!"



"My wife and I would like to tell you what fantastic job you did on the Manga Escapees. The timing was perfect! We really enjoyed it! A perfect follow-up to the last MB episodes. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your efforts in showing the manga ending in such an innovative and imaginative way!"




"Time flies this time of year and I just realized that I never let you know how wonderful I thought Manga Escapees was. Actually, I haven't watched the Ririka part because I've only seen vol 1 of that series (soon to be rectified), but the MB and FY were excellent! I have to say that I'm very curious about how you actually put these together. There was a distinctly different look to each production (and I was actually blown away by the FY one), and yet they were both so much fun to watch.

The Marmalade Boy episode was fascinating. There weren't really any surprises in the story, but I preferred the way it unfolded in this version. The whole parental relationship situation made more sense in the manga version - we already knew about Miki's father and Yuu's mother, but the other couple's situation wasn't very clear in the anime. Of course, it was just so nice to be able to enjoy these characters again. I love the way you worked the music in and your special effects are a lot of fun!

For FY I just have to say THANK YOU! I absolutely howled when I saw that the boys had to pull an Nuriko to gain passage through this region. I was literally blinded by tears of mirth and had to re-wind to watch it again. Why did they leave this part of the story out of the anime! Well, whatever the reason, I'm really glad you worked to bring it to video. I have to say that this particular production was very easy to see and to read. The effects were fantastic and your use of the soundtrack was excellent. I REALLY REALLY loved this! I actually preferred it to the funny little anime bits that show up between the FY OAV episodes. l They should have hired you!




 "I loved the Haurka manga video! About three screens into it I said to myself, "Damn - she colored every one of these pictures by hand, and they're incredible!" If you had gotten into anime like you are now ten years ago, you probably would own the industry over here. Lady, you are talented! ^_^



"As for the Princess Army: my sister made me watch the Princess Army Wedding Combat OVA. I was instantly captured by the relationship between Nonoka, Shinobu-kun, and Yuya. The manga video that followed only made me more intent on getting my hands on the manga. (I'm glad that you explained the opening where little Nonoka is being attacked by the drunk because the OAV doesn't even address this.) The manga translations tided me over while I went looking for the manga. It also gave me some background on the series, which was very helpful. My sister has helped me complete the collection and I look forward to reading Princess Army over the summer (or as much as I can with my *very* basic level of Japanese."



"I really wanted to see the Manga Escapees....

We immediately sat down to watch your amazing creations. And amazing is the right word; again and again I found myself carried away by your artful use of music, sounds, dissolves, and animation, until I felt like I was watching an anime show! Fantastic work and unlike anything I've ever seen- You've created an new art form!

And thanks so much for doing the Nurse Ririka story. My wife and I always felt that the story was chopped off, and that it lacked closure. Your Nurse Ririka story was just the ticket! It gave the final icing to what was our favorite Tomodachi fansubbed series ^_^)!!"



 "I must get this off my chest before I hit the sack tonight. I am wonderfully amazed that someone could undergo such a large project that must have taken a lot of time. It was wonderfully created and edited with the timing just right so that I could read the test and view the pictures without having to fast forward or rewind at all. And the extra little animations was a nice touch which reaffirmed the kind of emotion that should have been felt. After having watched the entire series of MB, it was nice to see something brand new after all this time. I just had to tell you that it was a fantastic idea which was executed superbly. My hat goes off to you. Many thanks from a fan who could not have viewed these mangas any other way. Domo arigatou gozaimasu!"



"I really enjoyed Princess Army. After watching your fansub/video manga, I went out and bought all 12 volumes of the manga..."


HARUKA'S CASE (KD:I accidentally called it Haruka's Chance myself when I announced it but it should have been announced as "Haruka's Case". (^_^))

"I wasn't sure what to expect from a Manga video. I've never seen one before, and I didn't know how the story would flow. Well, I really enjoyed Haruka's Chance! The colors and the textures added so much (and obviously took a lot of work) and the story was so cute. Sometimes, it was a little tricky making out what was going on in a screen because it looked kind of far away, but you did a great job narrating what was going on, so I was never really lost. The music was fun, and it was great to be able to see a story that I never would have seen otherwise. Thank you!"



..."Saw your manga video. :) Wow, that must have taken you a while, hm?"


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