Backgrounds page 1
Most of these backgrounds were made from scans of parts of backgrounds in pictures in the art book, others were made from manga was made from a pattern on one of Miki's dresses.
To view a full page background, click on the number inside the square you want to see. To save a background, right click on your screen and select, save background as... and you probably want to give it your own name since my file names arent very descriptive. >^_^<
Please do not try to make a profit off any of these as all copyrights on the images belong to Wataru Yoshizumi. Please do not put these in any collections.
Anyone is welcome to use any of these for their own websites without asking, though if you like any well enough to use, I would appreciate if you noted* where you got it.
I have a selection of banners you can choose from, or you can make your own banner or just a text link to is fine.
If you have any Marmalade Boy (or other Wataru Yoshizumi artwork) backgrounds you want me to add to this collection, please send it to me and I will happy add it and credit you as the contributor.