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To print this form, you may select the text (beginning at Cat Information Sheet and continuing to the end of the last line). Once text is selected, go to File (top left of your browser screen) and select print. When the print box is open, click the option that says Print Selection. From my computer and using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, this prints as a two-page form. One form will need to be filled out for each cat that will be under the care of a Coddled Critters In Home Pet Service Provider.

Coddled Critters In Home Pet Services
281-728-9001 *


Client Name: ______________________________

Cat's Name: ____________________ Weight _____

Breed ________________ Color _______________

Sex: M F Altered: Y N

Age _______ Birthday___________

Is your cat Current on ALL Shots? Yes No
If not please explain:

Does your cat have and wear a collar with rabies tag attached?
Rabies Tag Number:

Specific feeding instructions:

Treats? Where are they kept and How many?

Is allowed bites of human food? Favorite food?

Are there any current diseases, illnesses or disabilities? Yes No
If yes, please give pets name and description of problem

Does your cat need medications administered? YES NO
Describe any medication procedures and the name and dosage of the medication as well as where it is kept.

Does your litter box require changing during my service? YES NO
Litter Box Location?

Special cleaning instructions for litter box & location of supplies:

Special cleaning instructions for any accidents & location of supplies:

Does your cat like to be picked up and cuddle or just come to you at will?

Is there something that will bring your cat out of hiding (the sound of the can opener or treat jar, for example)?

Does your cat have a favorite game, toy or words?

Does your cat have a special hiding place or places?

Any Additional Comments?

Please answer the following brief questionnaire about your cat. It will help us to better care for him/her:
• Declawed? YES NO
• Tries to escape? YES NO
• Will eat when stressed? YES NO
• Prone to hairballs? YES NO
• Skittish with strangers? YES NO
• Uses the litter box reliably? YES NO
• Fearful of loud noises? YES NO
• Likes to be petted? YES NO
• Likes to be held? YES NO
• Has the cat bitten anyone? YES NO
• Other signs of aggression? YES NO

Please indicate anything else about your cat's habits or behavior that would be useful to us in providing care: