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To print this form, you may select the text (beginning at Pet Information Sheet and continuing to the end of the last line). Once text is selected, go to File (top left of your browser screen) and select print. When the print box is open, click the option that says Print Selection. From my computer and using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, this prints as a one-page form. One form will need to be filled out for each pet that will be under the care of a Coddled Critters In Home Pet Service Provider.
Coddled Critters In
Home Pet Services
281-728-9001 *
Member Pet Sitters International
Pet Guardianship
In the unfortunate event that something happens to you, please name who should be contacted to take over the care of your pet(s).
Please be sure the named person(s) is aware that you are appointing them as guardian(s) of your pet(s).
In the event of an emergency, which incapacitates me, I authorize Coddled Critters to turn my pet(s) over to:
Home Phone__________________________
Cell Phone ___________________________
Work Phone__________________________
Pet Owner Printed Name ............................................................Signature/Date
Pet Owner Printed Name ............................................................Signature/Date
Coddled Critter Representative Printed Name ..........................Signature/Date