About Me
Hi! My name is Forest.
I'm 15. I live in Houston, Texas with my mom and dad and all our pets.
You can find out more about our pets by clicking here.
I'm being home-schooled and I'm completing 10th and fixing to start 11th grade work. My subjects are:
English- Creative Writing, Paper Writing and Literature
I am currently taking an e-mail Research Paper Writing class
I think my mom said something about a Shakespeare class this Fall and
I will be devoting August to completing the nanowrimo high school workbook
In November I will write at least 50,000 words (that's about 168 pages) for my nanowrimo goal
I also watch Standard Deviant English dvd's
and I have to read books of my choosing and my mom's
Saxon Algebra 2
History/Geography will be working through Apologia's Around the World in 180 Days
Science currently working through Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and
will be starting Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry
Computers currently learning Photoshop, flash and web design with DreamWeaver
Home Economics
Animal Care & Husbandry
This Fall I will start learning Japanese
For P.E., hoping to start a martial arts class this year - not sure what discipline as I am limited by what is available nearby. I also get a lot of exercise walking and playing with dogs several afternoons a week.
My favorite passtimes include: watching tv and playing games.
My favorite tv shows are:
DB, DBZ, DBGT, Supernatural, Yu-Gi-Oh!, SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Dexter, Kyle XY, Eureka!, Naruto, One Piece, Babylon 5, Red Vs Blue (not really a tv show...), Smallville, Teen Titans, CSI, Ghost Whisperer, Numb3rs, Ranma 1/2... and anything that happens to be on when my parents want me to do my work!
My favorite computer games are:
World of Warcraft, City of Heroes
My favorite video games are:
HALO - every version