Yellow River Cooter


Inferno was bought at a local pet store in late November 2003. When we bought her/him we didn't really know what s/he was. S/he was in a tank of tiny turtles...mostly Red-Eared Sliders (and a couple other River Cooters and some False Map Turtles I later learned). My son picked her because yellow is his favorite color and she had lots of yellow.

He named her Inferno after a character in Soul Caliber. Inferno is the boss and has special attacks. She definately thinks she is the boss!

As s/he grows I am becoming more convinced "he" is a that's how I refer to her. When she came to live with us, she was the size of a quarter. She was TINY. I am worrying she may be growing too fast, but when I tried to cut down her food intake she thought she was starving and guilted me into feeding her more. She is very personable and sweet. As of May 18, 2004, Inferno weighs 196 grams.

Inferno is so spoiled. I started hand feeding her and she got accustomed to that. Then we got a new food and instead of long pieces it has little round ones. After she accidentally tried to eat my finger when I dropped a piece I stopped being willing to hand feed with this food. But she won't accept that and she ignores the food floating in front of her and begs until I hold her and move her with my hands to each bite of food. After about 10 bites I can let her go and she will eat on her own.

I also love her big fat feet. She lets me play with her back feet. I think they are so cute and fat.

Oh yeah, she is also a great big HAM. If I have her out running around, I can pull out the camera and say "Look what I have" and she will face me and pose! If I am trying to take pictures of the other turtles in the tank, Inferno will swim over and push them out of the way. She thinks she is the only one that needs her picture taken!

As of June 7, 2004, Inferno weighs 240 grams.


My Turtles

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Inferno page 2