My Favorite Turtle Links
World Chelonian Trust
The Mission of the World Chelonian Trust (WCT) is to promote the conservation and assure the survival of all tortoises and freshwater turtles. Their website offers an abundance of information including species-specific, care sheets, informative articles, a newletter you can sign up for, and a gigantic photo gallery.Box Turtle Care and Conservation Webpage
On-line care book for box turtles by Tess Cook with chapters on housing, diet, health, breeding and hatchling care. Natural history article on Eastern and Western box turtles. Box Turtle Discussion mailing list. Information on hibernation and more!Gulf Coast Turtle and Tortoise Society (IN HOUSTON)
Species Photos, Care Sheets, and Descriptions, GCTTS Discussion Forum, Interesting Links, GCTTS News E-Mail List, Box Turtle Care Sheet, Water Turtle Care Sheet, Box Turtle Diet, Hibernating, Caring for Injured or Ill Turtles, Caring for and Incubating Turtle and Tortoise Eggs, Health and Husbandry, Recommended Vets in the Houston, TX area, Internal Parasites, Respiratory Disease, Selecting Aquarium Heaters and a whole lot more!Turtles in Houston
Various information including information on how to join the Houston Turtle & Tortoise SocietyThe Turtle Ranch
Rescue, relocation, education, Houston turtle group, mail list
dedicated to helping the box turtle enthusiast throughout the entire process of
obtaining and caring for, breeding and nursing these wonderful animalsHatchling Haven
The focus of this web site is the captive indoor husbandry of tortoise hatchlings. There are pages devoted to diet, health and daily care, the construction of an easy to build micro climate humidity booster, a section onoutdoor husbandry and a gallery of young shelled beasties. If you chance upon the Bits from The Bridge page you will find an actual sequence of a tortoise hatching.The North American Box Turtle
Species overview, Legal issues, Care Sheets, Health Issues, Diet, Breeding, and moreBill's Box Turtles
FAQ, Health, Feeding, Anatomy, Courting, Forums, Puzzles, How-To on Pens (including an instructional video!)Sexing Box Turtles by William Tracy
"Dedicated to Turtle & Tortoise
Preservation, Conservation,
Study and Education,
Since 1964."Turtle Trivia, General Care Sheets, Health Sheets, Pictures, Turtle Sound Files, Calendar of Turtle Events, Conservation Information and MORE!
The Russian Tortoise
Site is dedicated to the Russian tortoise whose goal is goal "is to have a great reference with links on nutrition, general care and breeding." I like the edible plant list and there is a lot on information that can be used by people with any kind of turtles like on building a pen, info in UVB, shell rot...Tlady's Hiding Place
Care information, images and goodies for fellow tortoise lovers. Downloadable care book. Edible plant information with pictures. Tortoise Icons and wallpapers for your desktop too!Valerie Haecky's Turtle Information Pages (Including a Care Sheet for Ducks)
This site is as good as any book. It is full of useful information. Lots of general care information and advice. Too much info to list here but the TEST: Are You Ready To Be a Turtle Owner? is a great starting point for anyone considering obtaining a turtle as a petMelissa Kaplan's Article on Box Turtles - LOTS of good information!
Regal Reptiles' Turtles & Tortoises- LOTS of pictures of different species
(Scientific and Common Names of Texas Turtles)Mud and Musk Turtles - General Info & Care Sheet
a resource site with a couple of forums and a spectrum of links to resources
How to Build an Indoor Land Turtle Table
Mel's Turtles and Tortoises
Captive bred turtles and tortoises. Turtle foods. Wood turtle carvings from Asia.Nature's World Exotic Pets - LOTS of turtles for sell (other reptiles too)
East Bay Vivarium
On-line reptile specialty store with diverse selection of inventory includes snakes, lizards, turtles, frogs, tarantulas and much more --including supplies.