This is my roommate Scott's turtle. As of
now, I am calling her a female. She is only half-grown (approximately
3 years old) and we won't be certain for about another year.

He found her floating in a swimming pool. Her eyes are
reddish brown, not nearly as red as Loki's but a little redder than Dottie's.

Her shell has slight pyramiding of the scutes, so while
she was found outdoors I think it's possible she is captive bred. (Christie
said "or else she lived somewhere where she had constant access to
dog food.")

Her plastron definately isn't concave...but that
really tell us much when it comes to three-toed's.
(Loki's isn't either.)

She is so funny! She KNEW I was trying to take a picture
of her tail and she absolutely refused to cooperate! She would not bring her tail out for anything! Not even
when she was walking. (Look at the picture above!)

Soaking her in water did the trick eventually! (Really,
I think it was because I told her I would leaver her alone if she let
me get a picture of her tail!) In this picture, she definately looks

Here you can see her anal gland is nearing the end of
her shell. It is still lower than Loki's...but in another year or two
her tail could grow longer and she could be a he.