Mississippi River Mud Turtle

Scott found Mud floating in a swimming pool on May 11, 2004. His shell is very smooth and shows no signs of pyramiding, so I believe he is wild born.

I read that they can live with cooters and sliders, so he is currently living with Inferno. He and Inferno NEVER sit together basking. They stay on opposite ends of the tank and take turns to bask.

I have never seen him eat...but he has gained 3 grams (from 51 to 54) in the 12 days or so he has lived with us. I read that they are easy to keep and NICE. Someone seems to have forgotten to inform Mud that he is supposed to be nice...he is always wanting to bite me. He has a VERY long stretches almost as long as his whole shell! He snakes it around to try to bite me. I thump his nose and tell him "no" and he closes his mouth ...until it starts all over. He hasn't got me yet though!

Comparing him to pictures on the web, and taking in to consideration the time of year it is and when turtles usually hatch (October), I would guesstimate his age to be around 1 1/2 years. Which means he has probably survived one hibernation already and shows that this little fatty is pretty healthy.

Even though his tail is short and fat right now (like the rest of him!), and even though he is so young and small, I am pretty certain he is a he due to how very concave (inward curve) his plastron (bottom shell; tummy plate) is.

Mud would love to be adopted by a new home I think...he doesn't seem to like me much!

As of June 7, 2004, Mud weighs 55 grams.

These turtles typically do not grow larger than 5 inches. They are largely carnivorous. They need an enclosure with equal amounts of shallow water and land.

He can be adopted for $25 (plus shipping if you are not local).


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